Event Planning Toolkit
You will work systematically through this document. There are 8 sections to work through to plan your event. Should you need assistance at any time you can contact us or email us.
Why Event Tourism?
Events attract a captive market of spectators and participants. Fans of sports teams will travel to support their teams. Delegates to a conference will travel to participate in the event. Your event will therefore need to target these markets
Overview & Preview
8 Sections
13 Pages
The hosting of major sports, lifestyle and business events contributes significantly to economies globally. The direct beneficiaries of such events are mainly tourism-related businesses. Event Tourism refers to events that target either domestic or foreign visitors as spectators or participants in an event.
BIZ-Help has over 20 years experience in developing event tourism strategies for government institutions, sports federations and sponsors of major events. Through this experience and knowledge, BIZ-Help experts can support event organizers, federations, associations and agencies to develop event tourism concepts aimed at securing partners and sponsors from the public and private sectors.
This toolkit is aimed at providing a step-by-step guide to develop strong event tourism concepts, with realistic budgets targeting relevant sponsors and partners that will ensure the commercial viability of the event.
Sample Pages
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